Metering strategies

Many companies face the challenges of effective measurement and data collection, often without a clear picture of what and how they need to measure. This can result in investing in expensive measurement systems that do not meet expectations or provide incomplete and therefore unusable data.

With a decade of experience in the smart metering and energy management sector, we advise you on the optimal metering strategy that will provide you with a permanent tool for improving energy management and efficiency at your facility.


How we help

Our strategy will offer you the necessary data to make key decisions, meet regulatory requirements such as carbon emissions and ESG reporting and other requirements such as ISO 50001 standards.

  • Development of effective metering strategies
  • Meter specifications
  • Brand and model recommendations where necessary
  • Development of a customised technical solution and implementation of the metering system
  • Help in creating quality projects or tender document specifications
  • Review of metering data and insight into complex issues
  • Support in identifying cases of energy and water wastage through collected data

A good metering strategy will help you optimize your business while maintaining economic sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Choose metering as a permanent energy management tool

Emasys - metering that meetS expectations