Kontinuirano mjerenje i evaluacija ključno za energetski menadžment

From kilogram to kilowatt

How energy management resembles weight loss When a company decides to venture into energy management, the initial steps become pivotal for success. Josip Petanović, our director who has been in the field of energy management for many years, often draws an intriguing analogy between energy management and weight loss to underscore the importance of setting […]


New grants for energy-intensive businesses – transition to green!

Attention, energy-intensive businesses! The second call for project proposals for transitioning to an energy and resource-efficient economy is now open. Seize this opportunity to secure financing for environmentally-friendly investments and enhance resource efficiency, in line with EU taxonomy goals. Why apply? Investing in sustainable production processes offers numerous benefits: Who can apply? Small / medium […]

bespovratna sredstva EU-a za ISO certifikaciju

EU grants for ISO certification

Support for SMEs Support for businesses in meeting applicable requirements of standards, conformity assessment and certification of products, services, and processes With the increasing globalization of the market, internationally accepted standards and/or recognized certification schemes and the associated labels have become crucial for international trade as they imply meeting standards of internationally recognized levels of […]

Neto nulta emisija ugljika

10 Steps Towards Net Zero Carbon Emissions

Energy Efficiency as the Foundation of Sustainability In today’s world, where sustainability has become imperative, energy-intensive companies are facing the challenge of transitioning to net zero emissions. On the path to achieving this goal, the implementation of energy efficiency measures is crucial, not only for reducing energy consumption but also for promoting cost-effectiveness and business […]

#projektVukovar - sustavno gospodarenje energijom u višestambenim zgradama

Energy Management in Multi-Apartment Buildings

416 measuring devices, 1000+ measurements every 15 minutes in Vukovar Marko Habazin, Project Manager at Emasys d.o.o., talked about the latest project of the Agency for Legal Transfer and Real Estate Brokerage (APN) and about our IoT solution for collecting data on energy and water consumption and air quality. He highlighted the biggest challenges of […]


A successful step towards sustainable energy management

On 6th October 2023 sustainable development experts and energy managers gathered at Hotel Antunović Congress Centre for our second conference organized in cooperation with the certification company Quality Austria Adriatic. The conference ENERGY MANAGEMENT – OPERATION “SUSTAINABLE FUTURE” was not just a gathering of minds, it was a joint drive towards a more sustainable and […]

Usklađenost s zakonom: energetski pregled ili ISO 50001?

Energy audit or ISO 50001 for large enterprises?

In today’s world, which is increasingly focused on sustainable development, energy efficiency has become a crucial topic for companies worldwide. In the European Union, the Directive on Energy Efficiency imposes an obligation on enterprises (non-SMEs) to conduct energy audits or implement an energy management system in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard. However, how do […]

Mjerenje kvalitete zraka u uredskom prostoru

Monitoring indoor air quality with IoT

A European spends more than 90% of his time indoors – at home, at work or at school. The quality of the air we breathe indoors has a direct impact on our health. Monitoring indoor air quality has become an increasingly important issue as air quality and adequate ventilation plays a significant role in preventing […]

Certificirani prema standardima ISO 9001, ISO 27001 i ISO 50001

Celebrating our success…once more

ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 50001 recertified Three years after our first certification, we are delighted to have successfully passed the ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 50001 recertification process for the installation and maintenance of automatic meter reading and energy and water management solutions, as well as the development and maintenance of our […]